

  • 15
  • 公司认证: 营业执照未认证
  • 企业性质:
  • 公司地址: 浙江省 宁波 cixi
  • 姓名: 徐金明
  • 认证: 手机未认证 身份证未认证 微信未绑定


    Leg Magic

  • 所属行业:运动休闲 运动器材 拳击用品
  • 发布日期:2011-10-22
  • 阅读量:233
  • 价格:面议
  • 产品规格:LS-M-002
  • 产品数量:不限
  • 包装说明:each pc in a standard A+A carton
  • 发货地址:浙江宁波  
  • 关键词:

    Leg Magic详细内容

    Model No.:	LS-M002
    Product Name:	Leg Magic 
    . Code:00
    Material: 	Iron Q235-A + Plastics ABS+ Expanded Material + Spray Coating 
    Color:	Blue/Black
    Accessories: 	English Manual 
    Max loading weight: 	200kgs / 440lbs
    Carton Measurement:	61*50*22CM
    . / .:	7.5kgs/7kgs
    Packing:	each pc in a standard A+A carton                                                                                (5 PLY CARDBOARD CARTON)
    QTY:	380pcs/20GP
    1)Practicability,perfect legs
    2) Product with English Manual 
    3) Small volume, can fold away to save place
    4) Easily operate, only feet on pedal, buttress handrail, use legs work out for our leg muscles and body curve.
    5) Useful fitness, time saving, just a few minutes, can easily shaping perfect figure.
    6)The best choice of slimming fitness gym,suitable for  men and women, old and young. Let your muscles extend and make upper body curve more perfect. long-term use can make you have charming legs.
    Also can improve the low limbs amyotrophic, varicose veins, maintain bone and joint in good condition, adjust the leg muscle pain, hips muscle pain and numbness, etc deficiencies
    7)Fashionable indoor fitness equipment  in Europe and Asia,  love in young gens and leisure fitness professionals 

    欢迎来到慈溪市凌帅健身器材有限公司网站, 具体地址是浙江省宁波cixi,联系人是徐金明。 主要经营ab king pro , total core , ab doer , ab roller , ab rocket , ab cicle pri , mini circle ,leg magic , tower 200健身器材; 一代挺身器; 二代挺腰器; 健腹器; 健身椅; 门架训练器; 扭腰椅; 踏步机; 美腿机; 弧形仰卧板; 迷你Circle; Mini Bike; Circle Gli。 单位注册资金未知。 本公司主营ab king , ab king pro , ab rocket , ab doer , 等,拥有强大的资源优势和良好的进出货渠道,具有完善的品质控制系统及客户服务中心,我们服务周全、货源充足、质量**、交货及时!欢迎您来电咨询订购!